Sunday, April 6, 2008

Entry #11: Bonus – Reflection on Writing the Psychology Blogs:

To me, these psychology blogs had two benefits: First, it helped me learn more about the actual concepts – people can listen to lectures all day long everyday and the information still won’t sink in until they can reiterate it and apply it to their own lives. One of the things that I love about psychology is that it is extremely important in my everyday life and that I can apply it in my interactions. The other way that I benefited from this blog assignment is that because it asked for personal experiences and examples, not only did I have to relate it to myself, hence making it more likely that I will remember it, but also it helped me begin self reflection. I have always been a “thinker” – I like to contemplate decisions before I make them, and I always think about the outcomes of things. But this made me think in a different way – it made me contemplate how I fit into all of these theories. The one that I think I benefited from the most was the last one, the self case study. I think this because this once gave me more freedom to explore my past and present without constraints of a theory, and it helped me think about my behavior and sources of motivation as a whole instead of as within each theorist’s ideas. This blog was a lot of work – all in all, I wrote almost 9,000 words! But I definitely see the benefits of this work, and for that I am glad.

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